PM follows the executive position of Haya Kareema

Category : Ministry News
23 Jun 2020
We are working to implement the state strategy for raising the economic and social standards of the most needy families in poor villages in order to improve the quality of life of their citizens....

Protocol to support co-ordination to protect the canals

Category : Government News
18 May 2020
The minister of water resources and irrigation and the minister of local development have attended the signing of a protocol of cooperation to support the coordination of the protection of the....

Minister of local development meets an official of WFP

Category : Government News
12 May 2020
General Mahmoud Sharawi, minister of local development, held a meeting with Mrs. Ala al-Zohiri, an official of government relations at the United Nations world food programme in Cairo, in the....

3 million square meters and 6880 acres have been recovered

Category : Government News
12 May 2020
General Mahmoud Sharawi, minister of local development, has received a report from the ministry's operations room and crisis department on the governorates efforts over the past 48 hours in....

Minister of Local Development meets the governor of Cairo

Category : Government News
12 May 2020
General Mahmoud Sharawi, minister of local development, held a meeting with major general Khalid Abdel Aal, governor of Cairo, in the presence of engineer Ibrahim saber, deputy governor of the....

Sharawi is pursuing the governors efforts against Covid- 19

Category : Government News
30 Mar 2020
As part of the monitoring by the ministry of local development of the precautionary and preventive measures taken and the decisions taken by the prime minister in pursuance of President Abdel Fattah....

Sharawi receives minister of antiquities

Category : Ministry News
30 Mar 2020
General Mahmoud Sharawi, minister of local development, held a meeting with Dr. Khalid al-Anani, minister of tourism and antiques at the ministry's headquarters in the presence of Ahmed Al-wasif,....

Disinfecting 54,000 buildings and closure of 4257 shops

Category : Government News
29 Mar 2020
Seizing the Shisha from 4748 restaurants, closure of 4,000 educational centers, and cancellation of 1449 markets. Major-general Mahmoud Sharawi, minister of local development, received a report....

Sharawi is meeting the environment minister

Category : Government News
29 Mar 2020
General Mahmoud Sharawi, minister of local development, received Dr. Yasmin Fouad, minister of environment at the ministry's headquarters to follow up the progress of the new solid waste system....

Sharawi receives Al Wadi Al Gedeed governor

Category : Government News
29 Mar 2020
General Mahmoud Sharawi, minister of local development received general Mohammed Zamalot, governor of Al Wadi Al Gedeed, at the ministry's headquarters. The meeting monitored the....