Protocol to support co-ordination to protect the canals

The minister of water resources and irrigation and the minister of local development have attended the signing of a protocol of cooperation to support the coordination of the protection of the canals and drainage system and the use of public property for irrigation and drainage.
Abdul Aati: aims to safely dispose of solid wastes and litter, preserve watercourses from contamination and ensure that water reaches all beneficiaries without any impediment in the canals .
Sharawi: coordination and cooperation between the agencies of the two ministries in order to raise the output of disinfection of canals and drainages from within towns and villages in order to safeguard public health.
The minister of water resources and irrigation, and the minister of local development, general Mahmoud Sharawi, attended the signing of a protocol of cooperation between the two ministries to strengthen cooperation between the local units and agencies of the ministry of irrigation with the aim of maximizing the state's public revenue by optimizing the use of public property related to irrigation and drainage through the establishment of various activities on these lands, supporting the state's development plans.
The ministry of irrigation, Ragab Abdul Azim, under-secretary of state, supervisor of the office of the minister and engineer Mohammed Sayed Abu Gaour , assistant minister of local development for planning , signed the protocol in order to plan in the presence of a number of the leadership of the two ministries.
According to Dr Abdel-Atti, the protocol aims to maximize the state's public revenues by optimizing public property related to irrigation and drainage by setting up various activities on that land, boosting investment, preserving the benefits of irrigation and drainage from encroachment, and increasing production.
Sharawi pointed out that, in accordance with the protocol, activities that do not pollute the environment will be permitted and no fixed installations will be established on the lands agreed upon by the two governorates, He noted that nurseries, gardens , parks, sports clubs and pentathlons courts would be allowed to be easily removable and installed.
The minister of local development added that the ministry is endeavoring to manage the resources of the governorates to improve their own resources. Sharawi explained that a joint committee of the two ministries would be established to monitor implementation of the protocol and to overcome any obstacles or problems as a matter of urgency through coordination between the ministry of local development and the governorates .
It should be noted that this protocol is being implemented by the ministry of water resources in coordination with all the state authorities to implement the water resources strategy and the national water plan in order to achieve water security and to meet all future water requirements in the framework of the state plan for comprehensive development and the achievement of strategic objectives 2030