Minister of local development supports the special needs

In the light of local development's interest in supporting people with special needs... Major general Mahmoud Sharawi, minister of local development, stressed the ministry's determination to support and assist persons with disabilities and special needs in all governorates .Sharawi said that this was his top priority since he took office as one of the first ministries to set up a specialized unit for people with special needs, human rights and equal opportunities. It should be noted that similar units have been set up in the governorates with a view to facilitating the provision of services to this group, under the directives of the political leadership and all state institutions, in order to rehabilitate and integrate persons with disabilities.
Sharawi said that the ministry distributed the Egyptian code for persons with disabilities to the governorates for guidance during the implementation of all projects relating to local government and infrastructure in the governorates.
The minister of local development explained that the ministry signed a protocol of cooperation with the national council for disability affairs, in April. Whose purpose is to raise awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities in the governorates, develop their capacities and empower them for the benefit of the country
The minister said that a specialized department for human rights had been set up in the cabinet of each governorate, which would propose solutions to the problems they faced and make space available in public facilities in the governorates in order to facilitate the free movement of persons with disabilities.
Major Sharawi said he had instructed all governorates to set up a network for persons with disabilities and special needs at city and district technology centers .Specialized training courses had been implemented for some staff in the localities to facilitate the handling of persons with sign language needs.
Major Sharawi stressed that the ministry is seeking to draw on the experience of previous European states in integrating people with special needs into the work system after training.
He explained that efforts are being made to work in coordination with various governorates and the municipal charities which work with disabled persons in order to present their problems and speed in resolving them.
Minister Sharawi said that coordination is under way with the governorates to complete the appointment of 5% of the people with special needs and the implementation of small projects for them through" your project "initiative, which the ministry is implementing in coordination with the Banks to set up small enterprises, provide them with credit facilities and form special committees to conduct projects that will be implemented by people with special needs to overcome obstacles and help them to market their products.
Sharawi said that the ministry, in coordination with the national disability council, will organize training courses for young persons and girls challenged at the local development training center in Sakara on supporting political participation, raising awareness of the new local administration law, local council responsibilities, and preparing them for local elections in the coming period, especially since the new local administration law which is being submitted to the representative council includes suitable representation of persons with disabilities.
The minister of local development said that the ministry monitors in all governorates the realization of the rights of all workers with disabilities, whether workers working in the governorate's general office or working in centers, neighborhoods, towns, village units or citizens frequenting technological centers.
The minister explained that he had instructed all governorates to award the exemplary employee or mother award to employees with a disability or with a dependent child with a disability during the coming period.
Translated by: Hanaa Mohammed Saleh