79.7 million trees are being planted by the Ministry and the governorates

As part of the efforts of the Egyptian state in the file of climate change, and in conjunction with the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP27, which Egypt will host next November in Sharm El-Sheikh.
the presidential initiative was launched to plant 100 million trees that target 9,900 sites in governorates on an area Up to 6,600 acres suitable for tree forests or gardens, and provide the necessary agricultural seedlings.....
The initiative is to be implemented over 7 years, during which the ministry of local development contributes 79.7 million trees, and the ministries of environment, housing and new urban communities complete the planting of 20.3 million trees, according to the assigned numbers for each.
According to the Minister of Local Development, the "100 Million Tree "initiative was beginning with an extensive afforestation campaign on both sides of the highways and a number of sites designated for central parks.
The treated wastewater will be used to irrigate trees, to beautify Bridges using ornamental trees, and to paint real estate facades and buildings overlooking those Bridges ;Amna explained
The Minister of Local Development directed the executive bodies in the governorates, in coordination with non-governmental organizations active in environmental improvement, members of the Council of Representatives, popular leaders, youth and businessmen, to promote the "100 Million Tree "initiative, to plant trees on roads and central islands and to government agencies such as schools, universities, youth centres, industrial zones, desert halls in the governorates, highways, regional and roundabout roads, access to towns, villages, main fields and inland islands, and to raise awareness of the importance of tree conservation Cultivated and nurtured, considering the cultivation of economically profitable trees, either fruit-bearing or woody, according to the favorable climatic conditions of each site.