The minister met a Saudi business men delegation

Major general 'Mahmoud sharawi' the minister of local development met sheikh Bandar Al Amir the chief of the Egyptian-Saudi business council , the engineer Saad Al Ghethy "the vice president of the council " and members of the executive committee of the council including Mr. Abd El Wahb Al Sayed ,Mr. Waleed El Sebaay , Mr. Hazem Zakzouk , Mr. Fahmy Al Esemy the director of the Saudi business council ,in addition to ,a number of Saudi investors including Mr. Fahd Abdul Aziz Brahimi , Mr.Abd El Mohsen Al Fares , a member of a board of directors of Arab Banks and the excutive chairman of the developmental bank in the presence of several leaders of the ministry.
At the beginning of the meeting, the minister greeted the Saudi delegation and referred to the depth of the brother and historical between the two countries and the two leaders his excellency president ' Abd El Fatah EL Sisi' and his excellency king ' Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz'. The custodian of the two Holy mosques and the Crown Saudi Prince 'Mohamed Bin Salman'
The Minister affirmed that the Egyptian state and all its institutions welcome the Saudi investments in Cairo according to the clear direction of the government's political leadership to overcome any obstacles and solve any problems that may encounter the investors to increase their investments after the recent reforms carried out by the government to facilitate the flow foreign direct investment.
On the other side, Sheikh Bandar expressed his grateful to the minister for receiving the Saudi delegation, as he praised the progress that Egypt has achieved under the patronage of the president' Abd El Fatah EL Sisi' and the great changement in various fields and sectors especially the national projects which have been done, and the new cities which have been constructed .On the top of them is the " New Capital City " and the " New Alamain city'. He also affirmed that there is a Saudi desire and direction from king ' Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz'. The custodian of the Two Holy mosques and the Crown Saudi Prince 'Mohamed Bin Salman' to increase the Saudi investment in Egypt in the coming period.
During the meeting both sides had discussed some problems which face the Saudi investors in some governorates among them Cairo, Giza and The Red Sea. Immediately Sharawi made his connections with the governors to get the details and the reasons of these problems affirming that there will be direct coordination with the governors and Saudi investors to study all these problems and find the proper solutions and the minister himself will follow up the matter.
Finally, the Saudi delegation was grateful to the rapid response of the minister of local development and his interactive decisions to solve the problems to achieve benefits to both countries and their people.
Translated by: Hanaa Mohammed Saleh