The ministerial delegation visits Remondis company

24 يناير 2019

The Egyptian ministerial delegation that is currently visiting Germany and is composed of: Dr. Mohamed El-Asar, minister of military production; General Mahmoud Sharawy, minister of local development; Dr. Yasmeen Foua’d, minister of environment; and General Abdel Moneim El-Teras, Head of Arab Organization for Industrialization (AOI) have visited Remondis premises. Remondis is considered one of the top 5 companies in the world that is specialized in gathering waste, recycling and producing fuel out of waste extracts and is one of the private companies working in German in this field. It has branches in 34 countries and has annual revenue of 7.3 billion euros.

During the meeting, Torston Weber, the general manager of Remondis have presented the company’s structure, the recycling process and fuel production. He added that the company has conducted many partnerships around the world and is concerned with establishing or supporting new companies to be specialized in waste recycling. It imports the waste from Eastern Europe to produce energy and alternative fuel. The ministers then had a tour visit to the factory of paper separation since it is one of the outstanding projects that the company is known of. The delegation had a view on the process of separating paper and cardboard using infrared radiation, the process of compressing paper and cardboard separately, the process of transporting the extracts to specialized factories for recycling of paper and cardboard.  

Remondis representatives further emphasized that it takes almost 20 years to start gaining profit from the recycling of waste. The ministers aimed through this visit to have a view on the latest technologies used in waste recycling, alternative fuel production, and sewage treatment since Remondis has been working in this field from 80 years ago.  

Besides, the ministerial delegation have met with Global Enertech Company specialized in renewable energy and waste recycling to discuss potential cooperation methods. Global Enertech is regarded as one of the largest German companies that use the latest technology in renewable energy and treatment of organic and industrial waste. This is along with recycling non-organic products as car tires, used oil, plastic, and paper in order to use it as coke fuel and fertilizer. During the meeting, the company presented a draft project for recycling of car tires with a cost of 20 million euros and showed its willingness to invest in Egypt and provide any technical support needed. In this occasion, the minister of military production, Dr. El-Asar invited the company to visit Egypt and investigate the potential ways for transferring this technology to Egypt.