Shaarawy: Starting the second part of the "Preparing Future Leaders" course in Saqqara

Within the framework of the Ministry of Local Development’s interest in raising the efficiency of the administrative apparatus in the governorates through the development of leadership and administrative skills, especially for the second grade of workers in the localities...
Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy, Minister of Local Development, announced that the ministry will organize next week the second part of the course to prepare future leaders at the Local Development Center in Saqqara and will last for 3 weeks, with a total of 170 training hours, benefiting 65 trainees from the ministry’s general office and all governorates, with the aim of creating leadership and youth cadres Trained and qualified to deal with all modern methods as they are future leaders and the basis of the country’s progress, pointing out that this course comes in response to the political leadership’s interest in building the Egyptian person and implementing Egypt’s Vision 2030, which aims to raise the efficiency of the state’s administrative apparatus through developing leadership and administrative skills for the second grade of local workers.
Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy stressed that the ministry is one of the first ministries to implement courses to prepare future leaders, to qualify a qualified second grader to occupy leadership positions in the localities, pointing out that the ministry has implemented a qualitative leap in training workers in the localities and local leaders and making a comprehensive change in the method of training in coordination with the National Training Academy Especially since the ministry's action plan aims to create leadership and youth cadres trained and qualified to deal with all modern methods, as they are future leaders and the basis of the country's progress.
Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy explained that the second part of the course focuses on several topics, the most important of which are tourism development, project planning and business plan preparation, strategic planning, management of innovation, creativity and institutional excellence, future foresight, analytical thinking of projects, management of small and medium projects and production clusters, and e-marketing. And social networks, crisis management and media handling, the construction system and field engineering inspection, directed by increasing the time space allocated for workshops, simulation sessions and field visits to the distinguished places that have been developed to benefit from them in developing the trainees’ workplaces.
Major General Shaarawy said that the future leaders course will also include topics on managing markets and works, managing state assets, maximizing the governorates' own resources, modern local development policies and strategies, developing local administration in Upper Egypt, developing human resource management and leadership skills, agricultural development, and international cooperation. And dealing with international organizations, donors, and international agreements and treaties, pointing out that the most important characteristic of the course is the preparation of collective and individual projects by the trainees.
Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy demanded that the graduation projects prepared by the trainees be closely linked to one of the problems in the localities and the creation of non-traditional solutions to solve it, explaining that the ministry is motivating the distinguished first in this course to obtain advanced training courses inside and outside Egypt.
It is worth mentioning that the Local Development Center in Saqqara organized the first part of the Future Leaders Course on December 12, 2021 and lasted for 3 weeks, benefiting 65 trainees in all governorates.