Sharawi follows the Upper Egypt Development Program

As part of the Ministry of Local Development's follow-up of initiatives to support and develop economic clusters in the governorates of Quena and Suhag within the framework of the local development programme in the governorate of Upper Egypt, the objective is to develop ten clusters in the governorates of Quena and Suhag (five in each governorate) in order to enhance competitiveness through the preparation of a strategic plan for each blocs aimed at attracting investment and creating more job opportunities
Major General Mahmoud Sharawi, Minister of Local Development, announced that the program, through the Coordination Office and the Executive Unit in Suhag Governorate, conducted reference visits to 20 workshops of members of the Suhag furniture cluster in the Suhag Governorate for the le Marsh exhibition, which is the largest and most important exhibition in the Middle East and Africa region, and a number of 4 advanced furniture factories in Greater Cairo in the last week of March 2021, in coordination with the Chamber of Furniture Industry and clusters Consultants "Makari Consulting Office"
The Minister of Local Development said that the aim of those visits was to overcome obstacles and meet production challenges by identifying modern machinery and equipment and methods developed to increase the production capacity of those clusters, as well as the latest developments in the manufacture and sale of furniture, within the framework of an integrated plan for the production, marketing and administrative development of such clusters, which would help them to develop production tools to increase productivity and efficiency.
General Mahmoud Sharawi noted the Ministry's interest in supporting and promoting economic development in Quena and Suhag provinces and in supporting leading sectors with a competitive advantage in each province through the implementation of a number of economic blocs, which was in line with the presidential directives on giving priority to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially those within economic blocs, given the potential for employment opportunities for young people and their direct impact on improving the income level and living conditions of citizens working in those enterprises.
The Minister of Local Development also affirmed the ministry’s intention to extend the experience of developing economic clusters to the rest of the governorates of the Republic based on the comparative advantages associated with resources.
Major General Mahmoud Sharawi had held a number of meetings during the past period with the local development programme work team in the governorate of Egypt to review the implementation plans for economic development blocs in the governorates of Quena and Suhag, namely, the Tilli blocs in the island of Shindwell, the Tahta furniture blocs in the governorate of Suhag, the black honey bloc in Naga Hammadi and the Farka bloc in the governorate of Quena, through the direction of more than 418 million pounds to be invested this year in the plan for the first phase to develop economic blocs in Quena and Suhag.
Sharawi stressed that the goal of these plans is to develop the quality of products in terms of providing high-quality raw materials and production inputs at competitive prices, thereby raising the level of profits received and coordinating with major international and local expertise houses to use the latest global designs so that the products of economic clusters in the level can enter the global markets Within an integrated marketing and promotion plan.
On the other hand, Major General Mahmoud Sharawi referred to the Ministry's ongoing follow-up of the "Hands of Egypt" platform, which was launched during the month of March in cooperation with the World Food Program.
The Minister of Local Development said that the ministry is keen to exploit all the competitive advantages of the Egyptian village in all fields and to provide all support for the success of that platform to contribute directly to the development of the Egyptian countryside and achieve President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi's vision of improving the standard of living of citizens.
Translated by : Hanaa Mohamed Saleh