Ministerial delegation investigates German waste management

The Egyptian ministerial delegation composed of: Dr. Mohamed El-Asar, minister of military production; General Mahmoud Sharawy, minister of local development; Dr. Yasmeen Foua’d, minister of environment; and General Abdel Moneim El-Teras, Head of Arab Organization for Industrialization (AOI) have visited Black Forest Solution to study potential cooperation methods in the field of waste management. Black Forest Solution is regarded as one of the largest companies specialized in providing consultation and other services related to waste management to both public and private sectors in the Middle East and North Africa through managing some projects, making feasibility studies and providing any technical support needed. The meeting was attended by Egyptian ambassador to Germany, Dr. Badr Abdel Atty and representatives of the GIZ.
During the meeting, Black Forest representatives have presented the companies’ technical and consultancy services in the field of solid, medical, and industrial wastes as well as management of dumps, articles related to Basel Accords, and dealing with petroleum leak. The ministers further discussed the waste management process at the governorates level, the risk management and the possibilities of raising the national capacities to produce energy from waste. Black forest also presented some of its investment projects as the recycling of used oil and batteries and discussed with the ministers the estimate cost for projects with high profitability on the short run in order to encourage private sector to invest in the area of waste recycling. By the end of the meeting, the ministers invited Black Forest to visit Egypt the next month in order to discuss the possibilities of conducting partnerships with public and private sector.
The ministerial delegation also held a meeting with RKD Company that presented the system of waste separation and recycling applied in Egypt and presented a map for Egypt with emphasis on Luxor and Aswan due to their significance to tourists. RKD emphasized on the importance of recycling and its socio-economic benefits especially with regard to the encouragement of tourism. It also stressed on the advantages of raising the capacity of waste collection system through companies that work within a comprehensive system that depends on the technology of separating different kind of waste from its sources.
In addition, RKD presented how it uses sand and ceramic powder and mix it with fabric and other materials to produce a product as marble. This product can be used for inside and outside walls as well as building floors and is characterized by its low weight, hardness and its isolation to fire and heat. RKD showed its interest to invest in Egypt in this area and said that the price per cm can range between 200 and 300 L.E. due to the availability of material and low wages. It also said that there can be a possibility to export such product to European, African and Arab countries.