Amna participates in a high-level round table on "The Future of the Planet and Ecosystems"

Today,Thursday, Amna participated in the high-level round table on "Transforming our relationship with nature and our environmental systems: the future of the planet" on the sidelines of the World Cities and Local Governments Summit in its seventh session in Daejeon, South Korea, in the presence of a number of leaders of the city system and global governments and African and a group of governors, deans and state heads from various countries of the world and leaders of the Ministry of Local Development.
During the Minister’s speech he stressed that Egypt attached great interest to the issue of climate change and its impact domestically, regionally and internationally, and was keen to place itself on the international agenda, organizing the Climate Summit (COP 27) in Sharm el-Sheikh this coming November. Expressing his hope that the COP27 Climate Conference would be a turning point where the world would come together and demonstrate the political will to tackle the climate challenge through action and joint cooperation.
Noting that Egypt, as it always is, stands firm in the face of this challenge, which has become a threat to many countries in the world to stand up for its African continent, which is most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and least able to cope with its devastating consequences, as Egypt signed the "Paris Climate Agreement" among the 194 countries that signed the agreement, and the most important of its provisions was the commitment of the international community to limit the global temperature rise and keep it "below two degrees Celsius", compared to the pre-industrial era, and to pursue efforts to stop the temperature rise at 1.5 degrees Celsius, and to seek to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases Global warming, taking measures to reduce energy consumption, investing in alternative energies and reforestation, and seeking to establish a five-year review mechanism for national pledges
Amna said ; Although Egypt is one of the world's lowest contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for 0.6% of total global emissions, it is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change. Developed countries produce more than one-third of the emissions related to the consumption of goods and services. First of all, it should be pointed out that the concept of climate change is different from environmental pollution Floods, as well as having a negative impact on agricultural production and the spread of new types of epidemics that will suffer the whole world, and developed countries must assume their responsibility by providing support to affected developing countries to face these climate changes.
The Minister of Local Development explained that as Egypt represented its African continent in hosting the upcoming climate summit, he stressed that Africa was determined to demonstrate its leadership in climate action by presenting its contributions to the global movement to address climate change, its role in facilitating and mobilizing broad-based action and its vision for just and sustainable future for its people and for the people of the world.
Amna concluded with stressing that the global economic crisis and the consequences of climate change had increased the economic challenges of developing and African countries, which required action during the climate summit to take the necessary steps to change international commitments into operational measures to help those countries to adapt to these exceptional circumstances and reduce the debt burden on emerging economies to enable them to meet the requirements of combating climate change.
Governments, the private sector and civil society also need to work together to change the way we interact with our planet We must provide new solutions and innovations that help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change We also need to quickly replicate and scale up all other climate-friendly solutions for implementation in developing countries to save them from the devastating effects of climate change.