The Minister of Local Development receives Ambassador of South Korea

The Egyptian Minister of Local Development Hisham Amna discusses with the South Korean ambassador to Cairo the enhancement of areas of cooperation between the two countries
This came during Amna’s meeting with South Korean Ambassador to Egypt Hong Jin-wook.
At the outset, Major General Hisham Amna extended sincere thanks and appreciation to the Korean government for the good reception and hosting of the Egyptian delegation headed by the Minister of Local Development to participate in the World Cities and Governments Summit in Daejeon last week, as well as all necessary facilities and services provided by the South Korean Embassy in Cairo to the Egyptian delegation.
Amna reiterated keenness on starting implementing a memorandum of understanding inked during his visit to South Korea.
Amna asserted the keenness of the Egyptian state with the file of waste and following up all the latest developments in the new system of solid waste to contribute to restoring the civilized image of all governorates.
He expressed the desire of the Ministry of Local Development to co-operate with the South Korean ministries and bodies concerned with the file of waste to put a project and an integrated vision to handle the file of solid waste.
He reiterated the keenness of the Egyptian government to benefit from the Korean developmental experiment in the fields of social and economic development in addition to a number of other pivotal fields in light of the good relations between Egypt and South Korea.
Amna asserted his deep respect to the Korean experiment in the different developmental fields.
Amna reviewed some of the details of the presidential initiative of “Hayat Kareema" “Decent Life” and the programme of renovating the Egyptian countryside in light of the big interest paid by President Sisi to improve the living conditions of the citizens in the villages and create job opportunities for the neediest classes of the community in a sustainable way.
He asserted the readiness of the Egyptian government to present all the facilities needed for increasing these investments in the current period in light of the national projects implemented in Egypt in addition to small and medium enterprises in the different domains.
Meanwhile, The South Korean ambassador expressed the hope that the meeting will be a starting point for cooperation between the two sides to achieve local development, pointing out that there are about 170 Korean companies in Cairo and we will work together to increase Korean investment in Egypt, pointing to the Korean government reducing the travel warning for the Arab Republic of Egypt, which will help in increasing Korean tourist groups to Cairo during the coming period, as well as the direct air traffic between Cairo and Seoul will come back again during the coming month of December.
Hong Jin Wook explained that during President Sisi's visit to South Korea in 2016, a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement was signed between the two countries, which includes deepening Egyptian-Korean relations in various fields, pointing out that in 2021 Cairo was chosen to be the center of strategic cooperation for Korea worldwide during the period 2021-2025, in addition to the memorandum of understanding signed during South Korea's visit to Cairo and the allocation of about one billion dollars to some bilateral cooperation projects.
At the end of the meeting, it was agreed to continue cooperation and communication between the two sides to implement all topics and points discussed in the meeting and to start implementing them on the ground.