"Soutak Masmoa” initiative report during September

Major General Hisham Amna; "soutak Masmoa” has recieved more than 97 thousand complaints and responded to 97% of them since it was launched.
Major General Hisham Amnah, Minister of Local Development, affirmed that "Soutak Masmow" initiative interacted with the complaints monitored for citizens, and succeeded in cooperation and coordination with the executive bodies in the governorates concerned with dealing with these calls and complaints, and continued examination and removal of their causes, and notifying the citizen of a final response to his complaint, while ensuring that the citizen is not harmed by filing a complaint, as long as it complies with the standards of the right to submit it.
Major General Hisham Amna revealed the results of "Soutak Masmow" initiative during the month of September, where the initiative received 13.4 thousand messages, including 1610 complaints, of which 1289 complaints were answered, 80% of them, and 321 complaints are being resolved.
The Minister of Local Development stressed that "Soutak Masmow" initiative contributed to a qualitative shift in the citizens' complaints service by quickly communicating their voice through the various media offered by the initiative, pointing out that the initiative received, via WatsApp, 10.5 thousand messages in September While 2800 messages were received from citizens on the page ,include 271 complaints were resolved by 71.6%, and the email service received 167 messages, and the hotline service received 532 phone calls that included suggestions to citizens and inquiries about complaints submitted, stressing that he is constantly following the rate of response of the initiative to complaints and work on resolving them and the extent of coordination with the executive agencies in the governorates to speed up interaction with complaints that are monitored through the initiative.
Major General Hisham Amna affirmed that he is constantly monitoring the rate at which the initiative responds to complaints and is working to resolve them and coordinate with the executive agencies in the governorates to speed up the interaction with complaints that are monitored through the initiative.
Citizens who have complaints about the main areas of the initiative, construction violations, farmland encrosions, garbage, corruption, or any new ideas and suggestions for application in the localities, are called upon to immediately communicate with the audible team through the various communication media available through the initiative's "Whats up" number (01150606783) ,hotline number (15330) and the official website of the initiative on Facebook (www.facebook.com/sotakmasmwo) and email Info@mld.gov.eg