Announcing the first tender within Kitchener drain depollution project

Under the directives of Major General Hisham Amna, Minister of Local Development, to speed up the implementation of projects to improve the solid waste system in the governorates of Gharbia, Kafr Al-Sheikh and Daqahliyah through the Kitchener drain depollution project – solid waste component, which is funded by a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development worth 79 million euros and a grant from the European Union worth 8 million euros, which aims to establish solid waste recycling and treatment facilities, intermediate stations, rehabilitate and close dumpsites , rehabilitate garages and purchase equipment for the collection and transportation of solid waste at the Districts, cities and villages within Kitchener Drain with main objective to raise the efficiency of the drain to improve the health and environmental conditions of the residents of the areas that the Kitchener Drain passes through, which has a population of about 11 million citizens in 182 villages in the three governorates.
The Ministry of Local Development issued the first tender package that includes the construction of 4 solid waste recycling and treatment facilities in Balqas - Daqahliyah Governorate, and Al-Hamol and Desouk and Kafr Elsheikh in Kafr Al-Sheikh Governorate with a design capacity of 600 tons/day,
This tender is published though the EBRD client E – procurement portal (ECEPP) , For applying for this tender – the firms can obtain the required tender documents by registering on the ECEPP through the following link:
Please note that applying for this tender is only through ECEPP- deadline for sending proposals is 27th of November 2022 , any proposals send to ministry of local development is not accepted.